Tuesday 16 November 2010

Front cover - completed

This is my music magazine front cover. It is almost finished. I have changed the logo of my magazine, I did this because during the process of construction I realised that I need it to look more like a pop magazine and 'girly' so this is the reason for changing my logo. For the logo I have used the font called 'elizajane' and it has a background of the same font and size but black. This font is very curly and smooth helping the reader to read it easily. The black acts as a background and helps to make it stand out more. Pink is associated with with girls so I thought that it is an appropriate colour.

The white banner at the top, I think, helps the magazine to look professional and because it is white, unlike anything else on the page, the red writing stands out from it. I got the idea to use the white banner from my preliminary task on the school magazine. The writing on the banner is writ en in red, this stands out form the background of white, which when you look at the magazine as a whole, is actually quite bright. The writing says 'Ben Blacks new album release havoc! More inside!'. I decided on this story line as I thought that it is quite an unusual. Example of things that may go wrong when releasing an album may be that the soundtrack on the CD's are of a poor quality or there is a design error that may cause them not to sell.
Underneath the title I decided to put my main story line in that I will use for my double page spread. It says' EXCLUSIVE Blake on her live tour!'. I have used capital letters for the word exclusive because I think that it will almost be like the word is 'shouting' out at the audience/reader and as it is bigger than using 'little' letters, this helps the magazine to be more noticed. I have used a 'Drop shadow' and an 'Outer glow' on all the black writing in the middle of the page, I did this using special effects on Photoshop. I decided to put the words 'Blake on', 'her' and 'live tours!' on different heights. I have arranged them so they are getting lower as you look from the left hand side of the page, to the right. The word 'her' is written in a different font and colour. I did this because in my magazine is about the subject on the front looking and being dominant, so I wrote the word in pink and used a 'Drop shadow' an 'Inner glow' and an 'Outer glow' in the special affects in Photoshop. I think that this is very affective because it is bigger than any of the other text of that particular story description.

Underneath that I have used another story caption, it says, 'HOT NEW PICS Of A.C.E'...'Get
your hands on them NOW!'. I think that the use of the words 'hot' and 'new' are very appealing to the people of my target audience. These slang words are the types of words that teenagers would use. The word 'PICS' is short for pictures, this also text talk that teenagers would use because it is the 'cool' way of saying things, by shorting them. A.C.E is a 'popular' boy band that is very admired band amongst teenage girls. They are a group of young boys aged between 19 and 21, so it is perfect for my target audience range. I decided to put 'A.C.E' in a different font size because I thought that that particular story line is all about them and that they dominate it, it is also a differ net colour, I decided to use the colour white because it stands out against the background so it can be seen more easily.

With the bar code, I decided to position it in the bottom left hand corner because it is not important feature although it does make it look realistic and professional. Another reason for putting it there was because I did not want it to cover up any part of the guitar as the guitar, along with the subject, is the most important feature in the picture as the magazine is based around the theme of music.

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