Monday 15 November 2010

Picture editing for double page spread

As I have decided to go with a 'pop' theme for my magazine, and it is aimed at young people, I thought that it would be suitable to put a disco lighted floor on the floor of this picture as young people go 'clubbing' and to disco parties at this age so it would appeal to them. The disco floor picture is from google images, I have edited it so it looks like the floor is slopping away from the wall, as it actually seems to do in the picture. To do this I used the computer programme Photoshop.
I think that the disco floor looks very affective and bright although it may need further 'tweeking' so I can get a straight line where the wall meets the floor. I used the cutting tool to cut around the subjects shoe and then used the 'history' tool to colour back in any parts where I could see the original floor.
Due to changes in production I have changed my mind and have decided no to use this edited image with a disco floor because I don't feel that it fits in with the title that will go onto my double page spread that I am currently planning. Although through doing this I have learnt some Photoshop skills.

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