Thursday 25 November 2010

Music magazine - Contents page completed

This is my contents page for my music magazine. Here I have changed the layout from my original layout design in the below post. I have decided to use the word 'welcome' instead of 'contents' because it is more friendly and informal. The editorial on the contents page is very informative about the magazine, it tells the reader what other great stuff is included in the magazine. I have used lots of 'buzz' words that would appeal to women of my age. A quote from the text would be, 'We've also got exclusive behind the scene, never been seen before pictures of Vanessa's fashion range which will be launched next month'. The bold words are 'buzz' words that tell the reader what this particular story is about. Another quote would be, ' Don't forget to check out page 39 for the latest scandal and gossip from Pop Mania.' Pop Mania is meant to be a music talent show that is similar to the X Factor, which is something that people the age this magazine is targeted at would watch. Another quote which is a story that is on the front cover would be, 'Oh and girls... lock up your boyfriends because HOT Pics of A.C.E are UNLEASHED! Phwoar! Again the bold words are the 'buzz' words. Underneath that I have put 'Love and Kisses... Chloe X.' This is a personal touch to the editorial paragraph and is a good ending so the reader can enjoy the rest of the magazine.
I have used a title for a set of page numbers in the top right hand corner that says 'On the cover', this is surrounded by a light purple/violet box, this goes against the idea of being 'hard' because of the brick wall in the background on the front cover as violet is a soft colour.
I have decided to put a picture of 'Blake' on the contents page because I wanted to show here dominance of the pop star further if she is on every page I produced for the magazine.
In the bottom left hand corner I have got the important pages of music news that is featured in the rest of the magazine. I have named it 'News Beat' as I felt that the word 'beat' is helping me to keep to the music theme as well as the stories that are listed underneath. 'News Beat' is written within a pastel yellow coloured box, again this is a soft colour and goes against the 'hard looking' brick wall. The stories are (buzz words are written in bold): 'Vanessa's new fashion range', which I wrote about in my editorial, 'Whats hot and whats not in celebrity music news', Melody's big come back... is she for real?, 'And have a sneak peek at next months issue'. All these stories are music related as 'Vanessa' is meant to be a popular solo artist that has released a new fashion range, her fashion range being clothes that are aimed at women who are of the age range of who would read the magazine that I have produced.
I have put the numbers of the pages in a pink/purple coloured boxes and they are all of different sizes, including the font size of the numbers. I think that this is effective as it is an unusual way of having the numbers displayed on a contents page.

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