Tuesday 2 November 2010

Questionnaire graphs and analysis

I decided to ask this question so I could get an idea of what my target audience would like to see from my new magazine. It was important that I did this so I can get accurate results that apply to the magazine from the people that it will appeal to. From this table I can see that 6 out of the 10 people that I surveyed are aged between 16 and 20, 3 people between 21 and 25 and 1 person was 25+.

As my magazine will be based around the theme of pop music I felt that this question would give me an idea of the amount of people that listen to music that is in the charts. If the results would have shown that less than 4 people are interested in pop music then I would have had to change the genre to make it successful. But from this table I can see that 8 people that took my survey are interested in pop, resulting in me keeping the theme as pop music.

The magazine name is going to be the first ting that the viewer will take notice of so it is most important that I know what name will appeal to my target audience most, I can tell that from my results I will call my magazine Out Loud! as it received 7 votes out of 10.

I decided to ask people to tell us what 2 colours, out of the list I gave them, they liked most. I asked for 2 colours from each of them so I could get an idea of what colours I should use for my magazine that would appeal to them. Red and pink are the top 2 as they are voted for most, but as these 2 colours clash I will have to make a decision on other colour I should use. I also asked them to give reasons why they liked the colours that they chose.

I asked this question so I can understand how many people of my target audience that I surveyed actually read any type of magazine. This is helpful so I can see the interest levels in that amount of reading people do. From my table I can see that 7 out of the 10 people do currently read magazines

As this magazine will be aimed at females I thought that it would be relevant that I asked this question, as may magazines nowadays that are aimed at women, for example Cosmopolitan, have pictures women on the front, from research I have carried out previous to this I found that it is to do with women caring about their appearances and therefore more likely to buy a magazine because of what ‘she’ is wearing. The results from this question back that research up as 7 out of 10 people would rather see a female on the front

As magazines nowadays are based around celebrity gossip and current things that are going on in the press etc then I thought that this question would help me to decide on what to put on the magazine front cover that will appeal to the target audience I surveyed. Each type on the graph is out of 10 because I let the interviewees tick as many boxes as they wanted. From my results in the table I can see that the top 3 are gossip, pictures and free gifts. These will be used effectively for my magazine.

1 comment:

  1. Good work on target audience by creating a questionnaire with results.

    When planning your magazine cover, remember to refer back to your questionnaire results. In what way are you ensuring that your magazine will meet the needs of your target audience?

    Also when you begin constructing your magazine, keep in mind the results that your questionnaire gave you in relation to technical, written and symbolic codes all used to create meaning for your reader.

    Miss Brown
